Chapter 6: Body Composition


9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Body composition
-the body's relative amounts of fat mass and free-fat mass -body composition is two catagories --essential fat- crucial to body functioning ----3-5% for men ----8-12% in females --nonessential fat- storage or adipose tissue
Body composition
Answer 2
Defining overweight and obesity
Overweight- range set by pop scale- over recommended weight for good health -obese- more serious, excessive accumulation of body fat - over 66% of adults are overweight
Excessive body weight and Wellness
-as rates of overweight and obesity increase so do the problems associated with them -obesity reduces life expectancy by 10-12 years and costs the US 117 billion dollars annually -problems from excessive body fat: chronic disease and premature death, performance of physical activity, emotional wellness and self-image
Body fat distribution
-distribution of body fat is important indicator of health -two shapes- apple and pear - excessive fat in abdominal section increases risk of : diabetes, heart disease, skroke, certain cancers, early mortality
Low body fat
- not as prevalent, still serious -reproductive, circulatory, and immune system problems -eating disorders, esp women- 5%
- body weight in kilograms divided by square of height in meters -elevated BMI increase risk of disease, esp with large waist circumfance
Estimating percent body fat
-underwater weighing -bodpod -skinfold calipar measurments -Bioeletrical independence analysis -DEXA (Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) -TOBEC- total body eletrical conductivity
Assessing body fat
-wasit cirucumfence -wasit to hip ratio -risk with more than 40 inces for men, .94 waist to hip ratio - risk with more than 35 inches for women, .82 waist to hip ratio