Chapter 6 Conduct Disorder

Exam 2 

94 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Describe age inappropriate actions and attitudes that violate family expectations, societal norms, and personal or property rights of others
Conduct problems /antisocial behaviors
Disruptive and rule violating behaviors range from ___ to ___
Annoying minor behaviors
serious antisocial behaviors
We must consider many types, pathways, causes, and outcomes of conduct problems. This are often associated with ...
Unfortunate family and neighborhood circumstances
__ does not excuse the behavior but help us understand and prevent it
Provide some context of antisocial behaviors
  Antisocial behaviors appear and decline during normal development   They vary in severity, from minor disobedience to fighting   Some antisocial behaviors decrease with age, whereas others increase with age and opportunity   Are more common in boys in childhood, but the difference narrows in adolescence   Children who are the most physically aggressive in early childhood maintain relative standing over time   Studies find aggressive acts to be highly stable
What disorder is the most costly mental health problem in North America
Conduct problem disorder
What are the social and economic costs of conduct problems
Early, persistent, and extreme pattern of antisocial behavior occurs in about 5% of children; these children account for over 50% of all crime in the U.S., and approximately 30-50% of clinic referrals   As much as 20% of mental health expenditures in the U.S. are attributable to crime   Public costs across healthcare, juvenile justice, and educational systems are at least $10,000 a year per child   Lifetime cost to society per child who leaves high school for life of crime and substance abuse is estimated to be at least $2 million
Children who have broken a law
Juvenile delinquency
Legal definitions result from ... and ...
Apprehension and court contact
Legal definitions exclude...
Antisocial behaviors of very young children occuring in home or school
  Minimum age of responsibility is _ in most states and provinces
Are there any clear boundaries that exist between delinquent acts that are reactions to environmental conditions, and those resulting from factors within the child
does every child meeting legal definition of delinquency also meet definition of a mental disorder
No only a subgroup
What is the psychological perspective of conduct disorder
- seen on continuous dimension of externalizing behavior
- children at upper extreme has conduct problems
2 types of externalizing dimensions
1. rule-breaking behavior
2. aggressive behavior