Chapter 6 The Muscular System

The Muscular System

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the 3 types of muscle?
1. skeletal2. smooth3. cardiac
All muscles have 4 traits in common. What are they?
1. Excitable - respond to stimuli2. Contractible - have ability to shorten (contract)3. Extensible - have ability to stretch4. Elastic - they can return
Most muscles work in pairs or groups. Most muscles are arranged in ___________ pairs.
Antagonistic pairs... (one contracts, while the other relaxes).
Each end of the muscle is attached to a bone by a ______ (a band of connective tissue).
A muscle is often attached to two bones on opposite sides of a __________.
Excessive stress on a tendon can cause it to become inflamed, a condition known as _________.
Tendinitis (most due to overuse, misuse or age.)
Skeletal muscles is also called _______ (striped) muscle, because under a microscope, the muscle cells are seen to have pronounced bands that look like stripes.
A skeletal muscle is surrounded by a dense connective tissue called the ___________.
Threadlike structures called _________ extend the length of the muscle fiber and dominate its interior.
Muscles that contract at the same time to cause a certain movement are called __________ pairs.
Synergistic paris
The part of the myofibril that extends from one Z-line to the next is called a ___________. This is also the functional part of a muscle.
The _________ _________ is the region where the somatic motor neuron communicates with the muscle fiber.
Neuromuscular junction
The space between the neuron and the muscle fiber is called the _________ _________.
Synaptic cleft
______-______ cells are loaded with mitochondria and deliver prolonged, strong contractions. They contain myoglobin and have a rich blood supply. (Exp. arms and legs)
(Red muscles) Slow-twitch
_____-________ cells contract rapidly and powerfully but with much less endurance. They rely on lactic acid fermentation as their source of energy and because of that tire quickly. (Exp. abs and chest muscles.)
(White musles) Fast-twitch