Chapter 8: Nutrition


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Essential Nutrients
Substances that the body must get from food because it cannot manufacture it or cannot make enough of it to fit its needs -there are 45 essential nutrients- 6 catagories
6 catagories of Essential Nutriends
-Proteins -Fats -Carbohydrates -Vitamins -Minerals -Water
- Proteins form key parts of the body's main structural components- bones and muscles- and of blood, enzymes, cell membranes, and some hormones --Protein is made up of amino acids - 1g protein = 4kcal
Types of Protein, intake
- Complete- from meat sources - Incomplete- from plant sources, beans, penut butter, -.8g/kg of body weight per day
-also known as lipids, supply energy, insulate the body, support and cusion organs, absorb fat soluble vitamins, and flavor and textures to food -Types of Fat -- unsaturated -----monounsaturated -----polyunsaturated --saturated -Intake ---Men- 17g of linoleic acid and 1.6g of alpha linolic acid ---WOmen 12g of linoleic acid and 1.1g of alpha linolic acid
Trans Fat
- unsaturated fatty acid produced during the process of hydrogenation -hydrogenation is a process in which hydrogen is added to unsaturated fats, turning liquid fats to solids -many prepared foods use this process -in large amounts trans fats can lower HDL (good cholesterol) and promote risk of heart disease - for heart health it is important to limit your intake of trans and saturated fats - 1g fat -9 kcals
Types of fatty acids and effects on health
Answer 7
Fats and Health
- most americans consume more saturated fats than trans fats which lower HDL and raise LDL -monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have a number of heart healthy effects and can improve cholesterol -in addiction to heart disease, dietary fats from red meat can raise risk of cancer, especially colon cancer
- the primary purpose of carbohydrates are to supply energy to the body cells - 4 kcal/ 1g -Two main types ---Simple (one or two sugar units/molecule) ---Complex (more than two sugar units/molecule) -recommended levels: 225-325g in a 2000 calorie diet - carbohydrates are broken down to glucose it their simplest form
Whole Grains
- have higher nutritional values compared to refined carbohydrates in the following ----fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds - whole grains take longer to chew and digest resulting: ----making people feel fuller sooner ----enter bloodstream more slowly ----reduce possiblilty of overeating ----slower rise in blood sugar
Glycemic index
- measure of how the ingestion of a particular food affects blood glucose levels -foods with a high glycemic index cause a dramatic and quick rise in blood sugar -diets rich in foods with a high glycemic index increase risk of diabetes, heart disease and increasing calorie intake - high fiber foods and unrefined carbs have lower glycemic indexes
-dietary fiber- indegestible carbohydrates that are intact in plant sources -fiber passes through the intestinal tract and provide bulk for feces assisting with bowl elimination -Types of Fiber ---Soluble Fiber: slows the body's absorption of glucose, binding cholesterol-containing compounds in the intestines ---Insoluble Fiber: binds with water, allowing fecal matter to become bulkier and softer -Sources of Dietary Fiber- all plant food contains fiber, however fruits, legumes, and oats contain higher fiber amounts -RDA for Fiber - 38g in men -25g in women
- organic (carbon- containing) nutrients needed in small amounts to help promote and regulate chemical reactions and processes in the body -Types of Vitamins: ---Fat Soluble (A, D, E, and K) ---water soluble (C, the 8 B-complex vitamins, and pantothenic acid) -sources of vitamins- fruits, vegetables, grains... also in some processed foods
- inorgainc (non cabon containing) compounds needed in small amounts for regulation, growth, and matenance of body tissues and functions -
Types of Minerals
- 17 essential minerals - Major minerals- those that the body needs 100mg or more of a day-- calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chloride) - Essential trace minerals- necessary in small amounts- copper, flouride, iron, iodide, selenium, and zinc