Chapter 9 Small Group Communication

Chapter 9 Communication Vocab.

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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The distance and aversion that people feel toward working in groups
Primary groups
Groups that provide members with a sense of belonging and affection
Secondary groups
Groups that meet principally to solve problems
Social facilitation
The tendency for people to work harder and do better when others are around
Small group communication
Communication among a small number of people who share a common purpose of goal, who feel connected to each other, and coordinate their behavior
Trait theory
Leadership theory that suggests that leaders are born
Functional (situational) theory
A theory that assumes leadership behaviors can be learned
Style theory
Theory that asserts that a leader's manner or style determines his or her success
A leadership style charectarized by complete freedom for the group in making decisions
Analysis paralysis
Potential pitfall in small group interaction occurs when excessive analysis prevents a group from moving toward a solution
Decision making process
The four step mehtod used to come to a solution
Primary tension
Uncertainty felt at beginning of decision making process
Secondary (recurring) tension
Conflict or tension found in the second or conflict phase of the process
Emergence phase
The third phase of the process occurs when group members express a cooperative attitude
Reinforcement phase
The final phase when froup members reach consensus and members feel a sense of accomplishment