DNA Chapter 9

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Complete collection of that organisms genetic information
Structural unit coinatining part or all of an organisms genome, consisiting of DNA and its associated proteins (chromatin)
Molecular conmplex, composed DNA and asscoiated proteins, that makes up the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells
One of two identical strands of chromatin that make up a chromosome in its duplicated state
Homologous Chromosomes
Chromosomes that are the same in function and hence size.
Seperation of a cells duplicated chromosmes prior to cytokinesis
Physical seperation of one cell into 2 daughte cells
Cell cycle
The repeating pattern of growth,genetic duplication, and division seen in most cells.
Portion of the cell cycle in which the cell simultaneously carries out its work and, in prepartion for divison, duplicates its chromosomes.
Mitotic Phase
Portion of the cell cycle that includes both mitosis and cytokinesis
A cellular structure that acts as an organizing center for the assembky of microtubules
Metaphase plate
Plane located between the poles of a dividing cell
Mititic Spindle
The microtubules active in cell division, including those that align and move the chromosomes
Mitosis begins. Chromosomes take shape; the 2 centrosomes begin to move toward the cellular poles, sprouting microtubules as they go
Attachemnt and alighnment. Microtubules attach to sister chromatids and align the metaphase plate