Chapter Review - Frankenstein

Review of chapters for english honors

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Letters I-IV highlights/themes?
- Robert Walton is similar to Victor = wants a friend, and miraculously he shows up... - Victor begins his stories and doesnt tell Robert how he created the monster/ its dangerous - friendship theme/ fear the unknown/ fear the known
Chapter 1 highlights/themes?
- Everyone loves Elizabeth - Happy childhood
Chapter 2 highlights/themes?
- friendship theme; victor and elizabeth - Agrippa ~ book Victor isn't supposed to read --> things forbidden/ knowledge to be learned excites him like M.S. - Victor's bff = Henry Clerval - Alphonse doesnt like that he likes Alchemy (outdated science that turns things into other things through science/magic)
Chapter 3 highlights/themes?
-Victor leaves at 17 to attend Ingolstadt Uni. -Victor's beloved mommie dies=[ -M. Krempe, a natural philosphy prof. told Victor he wasted his time with Alchemy and that he will have to start all over and learn more; chemistry and natural philosphy
Chapter 4 highlights/themes?
- Victor becomes so obsessed with learning and education, that he ignores his family in Geneva, and has no social life - All he does is read and study about Philosophy, Anatomy, and chemistry (three things he needs to create monster) -Comes up with this idea/ fascinates himself with the fact that: If we can create life, why not bring something thats been once dead back to life...(envirnmental science) - He locks himself in his aparetment, works to become pale, ghastly looking, crazed with the idea of having a creation.. - Says he want's to be a father, but is not fully equipped to take on full responsibility for the thing he makes. (doesn't realize it)
Chapter 5 highlights/themes?
- Henry comes to visit and reiterates how Victor isn't well - Victor has finished school 2 yrs early because of his intensive studies and theories (teacher's pet) - Creates the monster, and ignores it... no one knows where it has gone ((Gothic elements of ghostly appearance/ grotesque descriptions/ and reader feels eerie presence)) - Runs away from monster goes to sleep - thinks its beautiful at first but then is afraid - Nightmare about Elizabeth and his mothers corpses and the monster
Chapter 6 highlights/themes?
- Elizabeth writes to Victor: 1) Gossips about the town so far 2) says she misses Victor and wants him to come home 3) Tells how a girl they used to know Justine Mortiz has come to live with them, since her mommie died too =[ - Victor decides to go home because he can't be around science, it makes him crazy - Waits for a letter from his dad (Alphonse) about when to come back to Geneva
Chapter 7 highlights/themes?
-Victor finds a letter from his dad, and it says his brother William died =[ - Victor leaves for Geneva immediately (shocked and upset) - The gates are shut in Geneva because they get there late at night, Victor lurks in the woods and finds the place where his brobro died =[ - Thinks he sees the monster lurking - Puts 2 and 2 together and decides he is the reason his brother is dead, his unhealthy dangerous yearning created the monster who in turn killed William - They think Justine killed William because she possesed a picture of Caroline Frankenstein William had right before he died. - Victor tries to save her and say she is innocent
Chapter 8 highlights/themes?
- Justine confesses even though Victor knows its his fault - Justine confesses thinking she will gain salvation through it (ending of Renaissance, some people stil beleive this who haven't been hit with industrialization = Mary Shelley's time period) - Justine is executed -Victor feels incredibly guilty because his secret creation killed two family members
Chapter 9 highlights/themes?
-Victor becomes suicidal - restrains himself by thinking about his family (theme of family love) - Family takes a trip to Belrive ~ his house - romanticism = the nature and other descriptions of the wildlife - rides to Chamounix
Chapter 10 highlights/themes?
- Victor is still upset so he climbs to a mountain top/glacier to admire scenery - find the monster there - tries to attack it but the monster is too large - Monster is sophisicated = tells him to join him by a fire in a cave he lives in
Victors side of the story
He is obsessed with learning and power and all sorts of dangerous moral issues, that mess up his brain.
(i.e. - bringing dead back to life)
He loves his family very much, and afterwards realizes wanting fame, and just wanting things in general can be hazardous to one's health. Power is not always a good thing. Is still afraid of the monster...
Walton's views
Robert Walton just want's a friend on his voyage to explore and be famous. He is most likely in the early stages of Victor's story/life,... (the part where Victor is so eager for knowledge in his studies)
Walton wants to be the first person to explore the North Pole, he also has a similar relationship with his sister as does Victor he finds out later.
Victor will not tell him how he made the monster step by step details because it is dangerous.
Monster's first experiences with Hunger and food
Hunger - he finds his stomach is rather growly, and goes in search of food... his first dining experience is berries (and twigs?) He later comes across huts, and villages in his travels which offer bread, cheese, wine, and meat.
Monster's experiences with Fire
After entereing the forest, he comes across a deserted campground and the remnants of a fire pit. He also finds the remains of the camper's food... The Monster quickly learns how to cook it and what the fire is made up of. Yet, he does not know how to start one, so he keeps it running all night and keeps adding twigs, sticks, and wet wood to keep it on. He is upset when he finds out he can't touch it, by sticking his hand in the fire, and burning himself on the embers.