Chapter Two: Tourism

Rpts 340

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Difference between primary & secondary?
Primary needs: what we have to do to liveSecondary needs: things we desire, ex: tourism(these are motivation)
Difference between short term & long term motives?
Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic?
Intrinsic: we do it for us. What the customer wants (inside) . Extrinsic: what the destination offers to pull us in. ex: Rock throwing example. Throwing it for the joy (intrinsic), no motivation when she stopped giving them nickels (extrinsic).
Know Pearce's Leisure Ladder?
1st: Relaxation and Bodily needs: emphasize basic needs, enjoy sense of escape2nd: Stimulation: optimal arousal for themselves, safe, but not bored3rd: Relationship: build/extend relations, enjoying though others4th: Self-esteem and Development: developing skills, knowledge & abilities, competency 5th: Fulfillment: feeling peaceful (transported), totally involved*RSRSF
Various psychographic dimensions?
High energy allocentrics: frequent travelers, use air, exotic, unique (will do all!-> STEWART Low energy allocentrics: by air, less frequent, more in fantasy -> TIFFANY High-energy Psychocentrics: active, by car or RV -> GRANT'S GRANDPARENTS Low-energy Psychocentrics: stay home, near familiar surroundings-> BRANDI