Chapter7 Joints Vocabulary

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Fibrous joints
There is no synovial cavity and the bones are held together by dense irregular connective tissue that is rich in collagen fibers.
Cartilaginous joints
There is no synovial cavity and the bones are held together by cartilage
Synovial joints
The bones forming the joint have a synovial cavity and are united by the dense irregular connective tissue of an articular capsule, and often by accessory ligaments
An immovable joint
A slightly movable joint
A freely movable joint. The plural is diarthroses. All diarthroses are synovial joints. They have a variety of shapes and permit several different types of movements. (ex. hip and shoulder)
Fibrous joint composed of a thin layer of dense irregular connective tissue. (bones of the skull) Amphiathrosis in infants and children and synathrosis in adults
Fibrous joint in which there is a greater distance between the articulating surfaces and more dense irregular connective tissue than in a suture . The dense irregular connective tissue is typically arranged as a bundle (ligament) and the joint permits limited movement.(ex. distal tibiofibular joint and gomphosis, the joints between the teeth and mandible) Amphiathrosis.
Interosseous membrane
Fibrous joint consisting of a substantial sheet of dense irregular connective tissue that binds neighboring long bones and permits slight movement. (ex. between the radius and ulna and between the tibia and fibula) Amphiarthrosis.
Cartilaginous joint
The articulating bones are tightly connected by either hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage. Allows little or no movement. Synchondroses and symphyses
Cartilaginous joint in which the connecting material is hyaline cartilage. (ex. the epiphyseal growth plate) Synarthrosis, immovable. When growth stops bone replaces the cartilage.
Cartilaginous joint in which the ends of the articulating bones are covered with hyaline cartilage, but the bones are connected by a broad, flat disc of fibrocartilage (ex. spinal vertebrae) Amphiarthrosis.
Synovial joint
Joints that have a synovial cavity, allowing the joint to be freely movable. All synovial joints are diarthoses. The ends of the bone in a synovial joint are covered in articular cartilage, which is hyaline cartilage.
Articular capsule
An outer fibrous membrane and an inner synovial membrane that surrounds a synovial joint, encloses the synovial cavity, and unites the articulating bones
Cartilage cells