Charlie and the Advice (Genre: Traditional Tale)

These are the words to know from the traditional tale of Charlie and the Advice.  Study the flash cards and take practice quizzes until you are scoring 80% and above.  When you are scoring 80% and above you will be ready to take the test. 

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Tribulation (n)
a difficulty; a great problem
Detriment (n)
something that causes difficulty or advantage.
Distribution (n)
the handing out of something to a group in appropriate shares.
Entreated (v)
to beg or plead for something.
Obliged (v)
cooperated with; did as one was asked to do
Exemplary (adj.)
serving as a good example to others; excellent
Reflective (adj.)
the quality of thinking things over
Monotony (n)
sameness; the state in which there is no change or new things.
Tedious (adj.)
a word used to describe something that is boring.
Cordial (adj.)
friendly and pleasant to be around.
Distraught (adj.)
very agitated or upset.
Recoiled (v.)
turned away suddenly in fear or disgust.
Commotion (n.)
a loud noise; an argument.
Hapless (adj.)
without luck.
Accusation (n)
a blame against someone.