Chest and Abdomen

Chest and abd

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What are the four body types? and why are they important to know?
Hypersthenic, hyposthenic, sthenic, asthenic
What are the nine regions of the abdomen?
R/L hypochondrium R/L lateral lumbar R/L inguinal Epigastric region Umbilical region Pubic or hypogastric region
What are body habitus?
Internal organs size, shape, position, and movement,
Hich body types heart and stomach are transverse?
Signs of a hypersthenic body habitus
Pushed up/ spread out, heart and stomach are transverse, lungs are short, diaphragm high, colon spread around abdomen, gallbladder high/outside.
Signs of hyposthenic?
Stomach is j shaped
What is the body habitus between sthenic and asthenic?
Signs of a sthenic body habitus
Average. heart moderately trasnverse, lungs normal lenth, colon average, gallballder center on right.
Signs of a athenic body habitus?
Very slender, organs overlap, j shaped stomach, midline heart, lungs long, lower diaphragm, stoamch toward midline, lower gallbladder towards midline
What is in the thoracic cavity
Lungs, mediastinum (bound by sternum anteriorly, sprine posteriorly, lungs laterally) which contain nerves and fibrous tissue. Fat, thoracic organs (NOT LUNGS) heart, great vessels, aorta, trachea, esophagus, thymus.
What is radiographically important when taking a thoracic cavity xray?
Heart, great blood vessles, trachea/esophagus, thymus gland.
What is in the respiratory system
Passageway for air/food, pharanx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, R/L lungs. Carina (end of trachea, divides trachea, R/L primary bronchus, bronchial tree). Right primary bronchus is short/wider, more vertical, objects easily inhaled.
Rounded apex,Costophrenic angle,Right lung (3 lobes,Horizontal fissure,Shorter) Left lung (2 lobes,Oblique fissure, Inspiration, Move inferiorly),Expiration (Move superiorly). Where the longs meet the ribs on the outer portion of the lobe. when taking a inspiration diaphragm moves inferiorly.
What are the routine projections of a chest image
PA or AP, left lateral, RAO and LAO, R/L later decubitus positons, lordotic position
What are the body landmark for a abdomen image
Iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine (A.S.I.S), sympthsis pubis, greater trochanter of femur, ischial tuberosity