Chilomastix mesnili

Chilomastix mesnili

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Describe the morphology of Chilomastix mesnili
Trophozoites is pyriform Posterior end drawn out into a blunt point Longitudinal spiral groove at surface and middle of body Along each side of cytostome is a cytostomal fibril Cytostome leads to cytopharnyx where endocytosis occurs Four flagella cone longer than the others emerge from kinetosome at anterior end Kinetosome connected by microfibrilar material One flagella is very short and delicate curving back to Cytostome where it undulates Large nucleus located anteriorly
Where does Chilomastix mesnili live?
Lives in cecum and colon of human, chimpanzees chimps orangutans monkeys and pigs C. mesnili is Nonpathogenic
What is the shape of the cysts of Chilomastix mesnili
Cyst is lemon shaped and has a thick wall
What stage of Chilomastix mesnili exhists instool?
Cysts stage occurs in stool
Describe the cysts of Chilomastix mesnili
Cysts has single nucleus and retains all cytoplasmic organelles including fibrils kinetosome and axonemes
What is the mode of transmission of Chilomastix mesnili ingestion of cysts; trophozoites can survive in stomach acid 2. Fecal contamination of drinking water
What order does Chilomastix mesnili belong to
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What family does Chilomastix mesnili belong to
Is Chilomastix mesnili pathogenic or non pathogenic?
C. mesnili is Nonpathogenic