Chpt 5 Infection

An exam review for cosmetology college class. Info taken from and made into a flash card. 

65 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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The one-celled microorganisms also known as germs or microbes are:

Bacteria can only be seen with the aid of a microscope and can exist almost anywhere.
Pathogenic bacteria include the:

Parasites are pathogenic, or harmful, organisms that require living matter for their growth.
Bacteria that cause disease are called:

Pathogenic bacteria are harmful, causing disease.
When they invade plant or animal tissue, pathogenic bacteria cause:

Pathogenic bacteria are harmful and cause disease when they invade plant or animal tissue.
The technical term for bacteria that live on dead matter is:

Saprophytes are a type of nonpathogenic bacteria.
The type of bacteria that causes syphilis and Lyme disease is:

Spirilla are spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria. The spirilla Treponema pallida causes syphilis, and Borrelia burgdorferi causes Lyme disease.
The type of bacteria called cocci have a:
round shape

Cocci are round-shaped bacteria that appear alone or in groups and cause boils, strep throat, pneumonia, and other diseases.
The bacteria called bacilli have a:
rod shape

Bacilli, the most common bacteria, are short and rod-shaped.
Pus-forming bacteria that cause strep throat and blood poisoning are:

Streptococci are round bacteria arranged in curved lines resembling a string of beads.
The classification of bacteria called spirilla have a:
corkscrew shape

Spirilla are spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria that cause syphilis, Lyme disease, and other diseases.
In California in 2000, a normally harmless bacteria that caused infections in over 100 pedicure clients was:
Mycobacterium fortuitum furunculosis

This is a rod-shaped bacteria that caused an infection among over 100 clients who had received pedicures in the same salon.
Motility, or self-movement, is rarely seen in the bacteria called:

Cocci are transmitted in the air, in dust, or within the substance in which they settle.
Certain bacteria move about with the help of hair like extensions called:

A whip-like motion of the flagella moves the bacteria in liquid.
During their active stage, bacteria reproduce in a process called:

When conditions are favorable, bacteria divide into two new cells, called daughter cells.
Certain bacteria, during their inactive stage, form outer coverings called:

As spores, these bacteria can withstand famine, dryness, and unsuitable temperatures and are not harmed by disinfectants, heat, or cold.