Circulatory System 2: Module 9

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the main function of arteries/ aterioles?
The take blood away from the heart
What is the main function of capillaries?
This is the site of gas exchange, and is the smallest functional unit
What is the main function of veins
Carries blood towards the heart.
Explain Pulmonary circulation
1. deoxegenated blood enters the right atrium/ventricle, and leaves via pulmonary artery
2. The artery then gets smaller and turns into arterioles which eventually turn into cappilaries

3. At the cappillaries carbon dioxide is removed from the blood and oxygen diffuses into the blood.

4. The blood then enters venules and turns into veins which then travel to the pulmonary vein yippie!
Expalin systemic circulation
1. The oxegenated blood enters the left atrium/ventricle and leaves through the aorta.

2. The artieries then turn into arterioles which turn into cappilaries

3. The cappillaries deliver oxegen and nutrient to the cells, and pick up carbon dioxide.

4. The deoxegenated blood then travels through venules, then veins, then to the inferior/superior vena cava and into the right atrium

In terms of blood volume distribution, list:

1. the amount of blood in an average human being
2. the percentages of blood distributes throughout your blood vessels
1. each human being has aprox. 5L of blood in them

1. Veins 70% - capacitance vessels hold the most blood

2. Arteries 10%
3. heart and lungs 15%
4. Capillaries 5%
Explain the blood pressure/velocity/cross sectional area of the Arteries
Arteries have the highest blood velocity since they are directly beside the heart, and highest pressure. However, they have the lowest cross sectional unit
Explain the blood pressure/velocity/cross sectional area of the arteriole
They have the 2nd highest blood pressure, 2nd highest blood velocity, and low cross sectional unit (the same as venules)
Explain the blood pressure/velocity/cross sectional area of the Capillaries
Capillaries have the lowest blood velocity, lower blood pressure than arterioles. BUT they have the highest cross sectional unit
Explain the blood pressure/velocity/cross sectional area of the Venules
They have lower blood pressure than capillaries, and lower blood velocity than venules. Venules have the same amount of cross sectional area as arterioles
Explain the blood pressure/velocity/cross sectional area of the veins
The veins have lower blood velocity than venules, but they have the lowest blood pressure. They have the lowest cross sectional unit
List the order highest to lowest in terms of bloodpressure

**In terms of blood pressure just think of pulmonary circulation :) basically just know that veins have the lowest blood pressure and arteries have the higest blood pressure
In terms of blood velocity please list them highest to lowest
1. Arteries
2. Aterioles
4. Veins
5. Capillaries

*Just know that arteries have the highest blood velocity, and capillaries have the lowst blood velocity

The blood velocity begins to increase as it reaches the venuels
What is the pressure gradient?
This is the force that moves blood through the entire circulatory system
How is resistance caused?
Resistance is the result of blood dragging on the walls of vessels.