Answer These Politics of Civics Flashcards

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30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The people that the legislator spends considerable time and effort servings are called
The founders of the American Republic believed that most of the power should be in the hands of the
A representative who is an instructed delegate is primarily representing the wishes of his or her:
A legislator from Florida who votes against her better judgment to support subsides for orange growers would be acting as an:
instructed delegate
One major problem with the role of the instructed delegate is that
the constituents may not actually have well formed views on many issues
Casework is:
constituent service
Enumerated powers include the power to do all the following except:
overturn decisions of the Supreme Court
The necessary and proper clause has
expanded the role of the national government relative to the states and has checked the powers of the president.
One major difference between the House and Senate is the total number of members. This means:
that a greater number of formal rules are needed to govern the House
A filibuster is an:
attempt to prevent the passage of a bill through the use of unlimited debate
About 1/3 of the members in the Senate are:
Common tactics of elections do not include changing:
one’s political party
Reappointment is the:
allocation of seats in the House to each state after each census
The foremost power holder in the House is the
Speaker of the House
The House majority leader:
fosters cohesion among party members