Civil War Part 1

It is part 1 of the set of flash cards for the civil war.

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Did Kentucky permit or not permit slavery?
It permitted slavery.
In what year was Lincoln elected?
What 2 states applied to Congress for statehood as slave states in 1819?
Missouri and Alabama.
What did James Tallmadge suggest to do about Missouri (to apply it as a free state or slave state)?
He proposed an amendment to the statehood bill, saying that Missouri could join the Union, but it should be a free state.
What did Congress do about Missouri?
They made a compromise. Missouri would be a slave state, and Maine a slave state. They also drew an "imaginary line" across Louisiana territory. The north of this line would ban slavery, and the south of the line would permit slavery.
What is an abolonist?
Someone who strongly opposes slavery.
When did the "gag rule" take place and what was it about?
It happened in 1836, and the "gag rule" was when Congress tabled all anti-slavery petitions that abolonists made.
What did the Wilmot Proviso state?
It stated that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist." (that means that slavery should not exist at all)
Who made the Compromise of 1850?
Henry Clay.
What was the Compromise 1850 about?
California should admit to the Union as a free state, New Mexico and Utah can permit slavery, and Washington D.C. would end slave trading.
What were the reactions of the North and South?
They were both not satisfied.