Define These Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting Flashcards

Study and learn about Define These Delmars Clinical Medical Assisting with these quiz based flashcards. Attempt this set of flashcards which are simple and easy and learn about Define These Delmars Clinical Medical Assisting terms with this.

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Contains: None Effects on specimen: Blood clots, and the serum is seperated by centrifugation. Uses: Chemistries, Immunology and Serology Blood Bank (crossmatch)
Contains: Serum Separating Tube (SST) with clot activator Effects on Specimen: Forms clot quickly and seperates the seum with SST gel at the bottom of the tube. Uses: Blood Type, screening and chemistries
Gold Top
Contains: Separating gel and clot activator Effects on Specimen: Serum Separator tube (SST) contains a gel at the bottom to seperate the blood from serum on centrifugation Uses: Serology, endocrine, immunology, including HIV
Light Green Top
Contains: Plasma Seperating Tube (Na Heparin) Effects on Specimen: Anticoagulants with lithium heparin. Plasma is separated with PST gel at the bottom of the tube Uses: Chemistries
Lavendar/Purple Top
Contains: EDTA (liquid form) Effects on specimen: Forms calcium salts to remove calcium Uses: Hematology (CBC) and Blood Bank (crossmatch); requires a full draw - invert 8 times to prevent clotting and platelet clumping.
Light Blue Top
Contains: Sodium Citrate (Na Citrate) Effects on Specimen: Forms calcium salts to remove calcium Uses: Coagulation tests (PT, PTT, TCT, CMV); tube must be filled 100%
Dark Green Tops
Contains: Sodium heparin or litium heparin Effects on Specimen: Inactivates thrombin and thromboplastin Uses: Ammonia, lactate, HLA typing -For lithium level - use sodium heparin -For ammonia level-use sodium or lithium heparin
Dark Blue/Royal Blue Top
Contains: Sodium heparin or NA2 EDTA Effects on Specimen: Forms calcium salts -Tube is designed to contain no contaminating metals Uses: Toxicology and trace element testing (Zinc, Copper, Lead, Mercury) and drug level testing
Light Gray Top
Contains: Sodium fluoride and potassium oxalate Effects on Specimen: Antiglycolytic agent preserves glucose up to 5 days Uses: For lithium level, use sodium heparin -Glucoses requires a full draw (may cause hemolysis if short draw)
Yellow Top
Contains: ACD (acid-citrate-dextrose) Effects on Specimen: Complement inactivation Uses: Paternity testing, DNA studies
Tan/Brown Top
Contains: Sodium heparin Effects on Specimen: Inactivates thrombin and thromboplastin Uses: Serum lead determination
Black Top
Contains: Sodium citrate (buffered) Effects on Specimen: Forms calcium salts to remove calcium Uses: Westergren Sedimentation Rate, requires a full draw
Orange Top
Contains: Thrombin Effects on Specimen: Quickly clots blood Uses: STAT serum chemistries