CNA- Vital Signs

Certified nursing assistant- quiz on temperatures, respiratory, pulse, blood pressures, and  intubation.

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 208

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States normal ranges for blood pressures (hypertension - hypotension)
140/90 - 90/60
Site to take temp. from mouth
Site to take temp. from rectume
Site to take temp. from armpit
Site to take temp. from ear
Where is the radial pulse located?
The inside of the wrist
Where is the brachial pulse located?
Inside of the elbow
Where is the apical pulse located?
The left side of the chest
Which pulse do you listen to most often with babies and little kids?
The apical pulse
Which pulse do you not use a stethoscope to count the pulse?
The radial pulse
What is the process of inspiration and expiration called?
When taking BP, while the heart is at work it is in the________ phase.
When taking BP, while the heart is relaxing it is in the ________ phase.
What are 2 things you use to take the blood pressure?
Stethoscope and sphygmomanometer
What measures a person's blood oxygen level and pulse rate?
Pulse oximeter