Cnidarians and Platyhelminthes

Embryonic development, symmetry and parasitism 

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is embryonic development?
Changes that occur between the zygote stage and the muticellular organism
What is a zygote cell?
Diploid cell resulting from the union of two haploid gametes; 1st cell of 2nd generation
What is an embryo?
Young animal or plant while it still contained in a protective structure( e.g. seed coat, uterus)
What are the 2 key processes?
Answer 4
cleavage: cell division -single zygote divides (forming many cells from one)
gastrulation- infolding of a ball of cells gives rise of 2 3 embryonic tissue layers
What are the germ layers?
-ectoderm-gives rise to epidermis and nervous tissue-endoderm-gives rise to lining of digestive and respiratory system
If it only has 2 layers what is it called?
Triploblastic with three layers have what?
Mesoderm-internal organs , heart stomach
-rise to digestive space(gut cavity)
Mouth or anus or both
When you have a gut cavity what can you do?
You can digest larger particles
What is so great about tissues?
Enables body organization
What is so great about the gut?
Enables extracellular digestion (digest larger particles)
What are the different symmetries?
asymmetrical-spongesbilateral symmetry-phalhelminthes- single axis that divides the body into two equal halves-usually has a headradial symmetry-cnidarians-cut along one axis through the center along a bunch of different planes and you get symmetrical -only works if you looking at it from the top and through center
What are some examples of the phylum cnidaria?
Jelly fish, sea anemones,hydrozoans
Describe some of the characteristics.
-diploblastic, carnivorous, both nervous and muscle tissues-mostly marine