CNS Depressants/ Muscle Relaxants

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Depress CNS activityIndications: Sedetive, relief of agitation, tx of depression, sleep induction, skeletal muscle relaxation, anxiety relief, tx of sz disorderContra: drug allergy, narrow-angle glaucoma, pregnancySE: h/a, drowsiness, vertigo, lethargy.Caution: fall hazard in elderly pt. OD SE: somnolence, confusion, coma, dec. reflexes, hypotension, res. depression. Flumazenil is antidote
Diazepam (Valium)
BenzodiazepineIndication: Moderate procedural sedation, muscle relaxation. Anxiety, anticonvulsant therapy.Contra: drug allergy, narrow-angle glaucoma, pregnancySE: h/a, drowsiness, vertigo, lethargy.Preg. Cat. D
Midazolam (Versed)
BenzodiazepineIndication: cause amnesia and anxiolysis, sedationContra: drug allergy, narrow-angle glaucoma, pregnancySE: h/a, drowsiness, vertigo, lethargy.Preg. Cat. D
Temazepam (Restoril)
BenzodiazepineIndication: Sleep induction, hypnoticContra: drug allergy, narrow-angle glaucoma, pregnancySE: h/a, drowsiness, vertigo, lethargy.Preg. Cat. D
Zaleplon (Sonata)
Non-Benzodiazepine (Short Acting)Indication: hypnotic, sleep induction
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Non-Benzodiazepine (Short acting)Indication: Sleep induction, SE: sleep walking, Preg. Cat. B
Escopiclone (Lunesta)
Non-Benzodiazepine (long acting)Indication: sleep induction Preg. Cat. C
Ramelteon (Rozerem)
Non-Benzodiazepine (long acting)Indication: Sleep Induction, hypnoticContra: severe liver dysfunction, avoid in patients receiving fluvoxamine, fluconazole, or ketoconazole.Preg. Cat. C
Indications: hypnotics, sedatives, anticonvulsants, anesthesia during surgical procedures. Contra: drug allergy, pregnancy, resp. difficulties, kidney/liver diseaseSE: drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness/hangover, paradoxal restlessness or excitment
Pentobarbital (Nembutal)
BarbiturateIndication:Anticonvulsant, preoperative sedative, sedative, relieves anxiety. Tx withdrawal symptoms of barbiturate dependants. SE: vasodilation, hypotension, N/V, diarrhea, constipation, drowsiness, lethargy, h/a, resp. depression, apnea, coughing, hypersensitivity reactions.
Baclofen (Lioresal)
Muscle RelaxantIndication: Relaxes skeletal muscleContra: hypersensitivity reaction, compromised pulmonary function, active hepatic disease, impaired myocardial function
Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
Muscle Relaxant Indication: Relaxes skeletal muscleContra: hypersensitivity reaction, compromised pulmonary function, active hepatic disease, impaired myocardial function
Amphetamines (Dexedrine, Adderall)
CNS StimulantIndication: ADHD and narcolepsy (methylphenidate) ADHD (dexmethylphenidate) narcolepsy (modafinil)SE: Inc. HR and BP, angina, anxiety, insomnia, h/a tremor, GI distress, dry mouth
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
AmphetamineIndication: ADHD, narcolepsySE: Inc. HR and BP, angina, anxiety, insomnia, h/a tremor, GI distress, dry mouth
Atomoxetine (Strattera)
Indication: ADHDSE: suicidal thinking, SE: Inc. HR and BP, angina, anxiety, insomnia, h/a tremor, GI distress, dry mouth