The Colonial Period, Revolution, Early Republic

Regents Revie w??? ???

51 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Established the notion of self government; a  mutual agreement to obey any laws agreed upon for the good of the colony.
Mayflower Compact
Economic system on imperialism. Trading with the mother country
Taxpayer had no say in their taxes
Taxation without Representation
Declared the British King as a tyrant; listing his wrongs; proclaimed Independence.
Declaration of Independence
A loose confederation of independent states. Limited powers to central government
Articles of Confederation
Ended the Revolutionary War for Independence
Treaty of Paris
Provided the foundation of adding states to the Union. Forbade slavery in these states
Northwest Ordinance
Farmers revolted to losing their farms. National government was too weak to react; called for a revision of the Articles
Shay's Rebellion
Meeting of representatives of states to form a better Central Government.
Constitutional Convention
Called for a house of reps elected by popular vote & senate elected by the house; Favored more populous states
Virginia Plan
Called for single legislation with equal reps
New Jersey Plan
States are equally rep in Senate; Reps are rep in porportion to their state size
The Great Compromise
Southern Blacks were counted as 3/5 a person
3/5s Compromise
Division of federal govt into three branches in order to reduce concentration of power in one branch
Seperation of Powers
Directly represents the people