Communication Skills for Law Enforcement Officers

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29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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7 general speaking strategies that should be utilized by law enforcement officers:
1. Speak plainly using clear diction and grammar 2. Check your vocal qualities 3. Avoid using slang terms 4. Never use profanity 5. Generally address individuals by Sir and Ma'am 6. Smile and nod when listening to individuals 7. Utilize your voice commands to project control and direct actions
The key to directing others is being able to continuously
Project your voice
What supports the voice?
Having a rising inflection in your voice may make you sound unsure of what you are saying and will be reflected as:
Weak and non-commanding
When you give a verbal command to an individual, it should be: 1. Direct 2. Somewhat loud 3. Authoritative True or False?
It is ok to use profanity and slang when communicating with the public True or False
addresses qualities such as voice pitch, range, timbre, resonance, speed, and speech difficulties, such as lisping or stuttering
Body language accounts for 55% of the meaning of a message, paralanguage accounts for an additional 35%. How we say a word or phrase can determine it's meaning. True or False?
As an officer it is more vital to sound confident than to feel confident; it is important that you develop a strong self-assured tone through practice. True or False?
can be detected through your tone
6 body language cues are:
1. Hesitation 2. Lack of eye contact 3. Interruption 4. Tense, impatient posture 5. Slumping down trodden posture 6. "Looking through you" eye contact
is the study of a man's personal space
What are the 4 general zones of a man's personal space?
Intimate zone- 6 to 18 inches Personal zone- 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet Social zone- 4 to 12 feet Public zone- 12 to 25 feet
For safety reasons, officers should not let individuals they encounter invade their or zone
Personal/ Intimate
The 4 open body positions that often signal a listeners understanding of a topic are: 1. Steepled fingers-confidence 2. Open hands/arms-acceptance 3. Calm facial features-understanding 4. Leaning forward-signal of interest True or False?