CompE 180 26

This is for the Data Structure class.

44 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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List the 5 key phrases of software development
Problem Analysis and specification
Testing, execution and debugging
________ describe the state of processing before a program unit is executed? _____ describe the state of processing after a program unit is executed.
Preconditions and Postconditions
In the _____ design approach, the original problem is partitioned into smaller simpler sub problems, each of which can be considered individually
Top down design
_______ focuses on the real-world objects in a problem
Object Oriented Design
What is an ADT?
A collection of data items together with basic operations and relations on them.
What is an implimentation of an ADT?
Storage structures for the data items and algorithms for the basic operations and relations.
What two steps are involved in implementing a ADT class?
A finite sequence of data items with basic operations: construct an empty list, check if list is empty, traverse the list or part of it, insert and delete at any point in the list.
(T/F) The array-based implementation of a list works well for lists with many insertions and deletions
Prototype for the copy constructor of a class named C.
C(const C & original);
Write a prototype for the destructor of a class named C.
(T/F) The parameter of a copy constructor should always be a value parameter to ensure that a distinct copy is made.
The Elements of a linked list are called
Each element in a linked list has two parts _______ part and a _______ part.
Data, next
If a node has no successor, its link is set to a special _________ value.
In a linked list, insertion at a specified place in the list is an O(____) operation.