Computer Vocab

Chapter 1

58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Application software
Software that can perform useful work, such as word processing, cost estimating, or accounting tasks, the user primarily interacts with application software
Basic application
Applications used for doing common tasks, such as browsers and word processors, spreadsheets, databases, management systems, and presentation graphics. Also known as productivity applications
Communication device
Computer systems that communicate with other computer systems using modems. For example, it modifies computer output into a form that can be transmitted across standard telephone lines.
Compact disc CD
Widely used optical disc format
Computer competency
Becoming proficient in computer-related skills
Capability of the microcomputer to use information from the world beyond one’s desk. Data and information can be sent over telephone or cable lines and through the air so that computers can talk to each other and share information
· raw, unprocessed facts that are input to a computer system that will give compiled information when the computer processes those facts. Data is also defined as facts or observations about people, places, things, and events.
Database file
File containing highly structured and organized data created by database management programs
Desktop computer
Computer small enough to fit on top of or along the side of a desk and yet too big to carry around
Device driver
Every device that is connected to the computer has a special program associated with it called a device driver that allows communication between the operating system and the device
Digital versitile disc DVD, digital nvideo disc DVD
DVD a type of optical disc similar to CD-ROMs except that more stat can be packed into the same amount of space
Document file
A file created by a word processor to save documents such as letters, research papers, and memos
End user
Person who uses microcomputers or has access to larger computers
Floppy disk
Flat, circular piece of magnetically treated Mylar plastic that rotates within a jacket. A floppy disk is 3 ½ inches and holds 1.44 MB of information. It is a portable or removable secondary storage device
Handheld computer
· PDA a device that typically combines pen input, writing recognition, personal organizational tools, and communication capabilities in a very small package. (palm computer)