Conduct of Perfusion-JC


50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery does not provide protection to vital organ systems.
False. Does provide protection to vital organ systems
What is the purpose of CPB?
Supprt patients metabolic needs while providing a motionless, bloodless cardiac surgical field.
Some parameters that must be met during CPB is ___, ____, ___-.
Blood pressure, Temperature, oxygen delivery
Components of the CPB circuit include _____. a. cell saver, ATC machine b. ATC machine, oxygenator c. Oxygenator, heat exchanger
C. oxygenator, heat exchanger
The set up for CPB depends on procedure and patient size.
Conduct of perfusion is our duties and responsibilities ____, ____, ____.
Pre-op. intra-op, post operatively
Perfusionist never use a time line to to prepare for surgery.
False. Always use a timeline
When setting up for heart surgery the most important thing to keep in mind is_________. a. to set up the platelet gel b. always be prepared to go on CPB c. get the cardioplegia
B. always be prepared to go on CPB
The checklist should be one of the first things done on your timeline.
Qualty control is checked for the _____. a. platelet gel b. cell saver c. atc machine
C. atc machine
Estimated hemoglobin is the calculated hemoglobin when you terminate CPB.
False. Used when inititate CPB
How do you calculate Total Blood Volume?
70 * patients kilogram
How do you calculate Total red blod cell volume?
TBV * hct
How do you calculate total circulating blood volume?
Using total red blood cell volume and total circulating blood volume, calculate the dilutional hct