Conservation Biology I

Conservation biology exam 1

123 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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3 goals of conservation biology
1. Document biodiversity on earth2. Investigate human impact on ecosystems3. Develop approaches to save and restore species
Threats to biodiversity are synergistic, which means it is a combination of factors
Conservation biology
Multidisciplinary, scientific field developed in response to challenge of preserving species and ecosystems. Goal to provide practical solutions to problems through a combination of basic sciences and resource management
Normative discipline
Embraces certain values and applies scientific methods to achieve these values
When did conservation biology emerge?
It emerged in the 1980s with the primary goal being to preserve entire ecosystems without taking economic factors into account.
How is Conbio related to the environmentalism movement?
The environmentalism movement is characterized by political and educational activism to protect the environment. It differs from conservation biology because it is less biologically based, although conbio does contribute to environmentalism
How is conbio a crisis discipline?
A crisis discipline is when decisions are made under pressure and you must articulate a long term solution, as in conbio.
What is an example of conservation biology at work?
Project TAMAR to protect sea turtles in Brazil
Principles accepted by conservation biologists
1. diversity of species and ecosystems should be preserved2. The untimely extinction of populations and species should be prevented3. ecological complexity should be maintained4. evolution should continue (captive species stop evolution)5. Biological diversity has intrinsic value, not only economic value
Define biophilia
Humans have a genetic predisposition to like diversity
How have humans affected the rate of extinction?
Extinction has increased by more than 100 fold
What does religion have to do with conservation biology?
In many of the worlds religions people are seen as both physically and spiritually connected to the plants and animals in the surrounding environment. To the European mind, God created nature for humans' use and benefit, according to Genesis, the first book of the bible.
Bailowieza forest
One of the earliest deliberate European efforts to conserve a species (wisent/european bison)
Europe late 19th century
Increased cultivated land and firearms for hunting led to marked reduction in wild animals. Stimulated the formation of the British Conservation Movement, leading to the founding of the Commons, and other environmental societies.
What is Europe's land protection strategies?
Conservation efforts in Britain have historically emphasized preservation and management of relatively small fragments of land.