How Well Do You Know About Constitution of the United States Flashcards

How well do you know the US Constitution? These flashcards may be of assistance. The Constitution of The United States is the supreme law of the land. The Constitution embodies the first doctrine of the separation of powers. Whereby the federal government is divided into three branches of government this is legislative, executive and judicial. Read and study these flashcards and learn more about the Constitution.

70 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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52 What are the functions of the preamble?
1) Introduce the constitution 2) States the goals of the constitution
51 what was the northwest ordiance of 1787
A system of bringing new states into the united states provided for public education and protected personal libertes
50 what documets influinced the writers of the articles of confedation? provide exsamples of this influence
State constitutions founding documents: mayflower compact and english bill of rights
49 describe the relationship between the decloration of independence the articles of confedoration and the constition
The declaration of independence set up the ideals of the united states the articals of confedration was the first attempt to meet the ideals but it failed. the constition was the second attempt was successful
48 why did the articles of confedoration fail?
The federal goverment did not have the power it needed to govern the country
47 what were some of the important features of the articles of confedoration
1 there was no president 2 there was only one congres 3 each state had no national court syestem
32 What were the two causes of the american revolution?
1) The British were taxing the colonist without giving them representation in parliment. 2) Colonists felt that the British were denying them their individual rights.
31 What was taxation without representation?
The colonists being taxed by king George without being represented in parliment examples sugar, stamp, tea tax
15 what is the mayflower compact
Sighned in 1670 on bored the mayflower it established a goverment for the plymouth colonys
16 what is the english bill of rights
In 1689 the king and queen or england were forced to sighn the english bill of rights to guarante certin rights to the people
33 what were the efects of the american revolution?
1 the united states was an independent nation 2 france was an ally of united states 3 france was inspired to fight for their own war for independance.
14 what is the magna carta
The magna carta is a document written in england in 1215 it limited the power of the king
30 what was the great awakening
It was s religuis movement in the mid 1700 that inspired the colonists to seek independence
17 how did the magna carta english bill of rights and the mayflower compact influince the goverment in the colonies
They are all apart of the colonies heritage that influence the coloninist to creat representing government and value individual rights
60 what are the functions of the preamble
1 itroduces the constitution 2 states the goals of the constituition