Can You Define These Terms of Construction Drawing Flashcards

Can you explain the following terms in the government and constitution? These flashcards can help. A couple of examples include The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers and shall have the solitary power of impeachment. Another example is called appointment power, which is the president’s power to appoint people to principal federal offices. Read and study these flashcards. And you will learn about the constitution.

88 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Leader lines should start with a what first
Horizontal segment
Notes should be:
If the section of a drawing will not fit on the page it can be:
Compressed in a section that's details can be missed with breaklines
If elements of a drawing are on another drawing or in a schedule, how should it be called out?
By saying, i.e., "see reflected ceilng plan" or "see finish schedule"
What is a detail drawing?
A drawing that minutely describes a particular assembly of a building. It is the refinement of the general drawings of the floor plans, elevations, etc.
What is the intent of detail drawings?
To illustrate, on a larger scale, the method of assembly.
What is the sequence of a detail drawing?
1. object 2. dimensions 3. notes 4. profiling 5. referencing
Should line weights be used in detail drawing?
What is the sequence of a note?
1. Size of the object 2. name of the piece 3. spacing 4. other pertinent info
The inside of a building is always drawn to the? The outside of a building to the ?
Right Left
In a detail drawing, do you draw pieces in actual size or nominal size?
Should notes be shares among different details?
What is profiling in detail drawing?
Outlining or darkening the most important features of the detail.
If notes are about the outside, where should they be placed?
On the left so the leaders aren't crossing across the page
What is a parapet?
A wall extension above the roof