So You Can Bake the Perfect Cookies : Take This Test Flashcards

Can you bake the perfect cookies? These flashcards will prepare you to take the test. Everyone loves raw cookie dough from the batter. Making cookies can be a lot of fun. Cookies are made out of cream, butter, and sugar. If the recipe calls for butter, you have to be generous and take the liberty of creaming the butter and sugar first. Read and study these flashcards and find out more about how to bake the perfect cookies.

96 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Three main goals of mixing cake batters are
To combine all ingredients into a smooth uniform batter; to form and incorporate air cells in the batter; to develop the proper texture in the finished product
What mixing methods go with High-fat or shortened cakes
Creaming method; two stage method; one stage (one bowl) method; flour batter method
What mixing methods go with low fat or foam type cakes
Sponge method; angel food method; chiffon method
What are the two major ingredients in cakes and by nature they are ____-
Fat and water (including water in milk and eggs); Unmixable
What is a uniform mixture of two unmixable substances called
What is a water in fat emulsion
The water is held in tiny droplets surrounded by fat and other ingredients
______ occurs when the fat can no longer hold the water in emulsion
What is a fat in water mixture that occurs in curdling
Small particles of fat surrounded by water and other ingredients
What factors cause curdling
Using the wrong type of fat; Havinbg the ingredietns too cold; mixing the first stage of the procedure too quickly; addign the liquids too quickly; adding too much liquid
_________ - this fat contains emulsifiers that enable it to hold a large amount of water with out curdling
High ratio shortening or emulsified shortening
______- this fat has a desirable flavor but relatively poor emulsifying ability. It contains some water, but the formula should be specifically balanced so it contains no more liquid than the batter can hold.
____ - This contains a natural emulsifer called lesithin
Egg yolks
What will happen if you add the liquids too quickly
The liquid will not be absorbed properly
T/F - in some creaming methods by alternating the flour and liquid additions the flour will help absorb some of the liquid
T/F - Air cells in cake batters are important for texture and for leavening