Explain the Concept of CorePower Yoga Flashcards

Can you explain the concept of CorePower Yoga? These flashcards will help you understand more about this place. CorePower Yoga is the principal yoga studio chain in the United States with over 200 studios. CorePower Yoga is the trademark name for a huge chain of privately owned yoga studios. It is known for its signature style. Read and study these flashcards and learn more about CorePower Yoga.

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Integration Series
Exhale Child's Pose 2 min
Exhale Downward Facing Dog 1 min
Exhale Ragdoll 1 min ** Transition: release your fingertips to the mat, toe/heel your feet together, inhale slowly
Exhale Standing at Attention 3 B
Sun Salutation A
Suranamaskar A
Inhale Mountain Pose
Exhale Standing Forward Fold
Inhale Halfway Lift
Exhale High to Mid Plank- Chaturanga Dandasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Downward Facing Dog
**Transition: at the bottom of your exhale, walk to the top of your mat
Inhale Halfway LIft
Exhale Standing Forward Fold
1 x-slow(2-3 breaths) ; 2x-flow breath to movement
Sun Salutation B
Suranamaskar B
Inhale Chair Pose
Exhale Standing Forward Fold
Inhale Halfway Lift
Exhale High to Mid Plank - Chaturanga Dandasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Downward Facing Dog
**Transition: inhale right leg high;exhale low lunge
Inhale Warrior II
Exhale Extended Side Angle
Inhale Reverse Warrior
Exhale High to Mid Plank - Chaturanga Dandasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Downward Facing Dog
**Transition: inhale left leg high, exhale low lunge
Inhale Warrior II
Exhale Extended Side Angle
Inhale Reverse Warrior
Exhale High to Mid Plank - Chaturanga Dandasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Downward Facing Dog 2-3 B
**Transistion: at the bottom of your exhale, walk to the top of your mat
Inhale Halfway Lift
Exhale Standing Forward Fold
1x-slow(2-3 breaths); 2x-flow breath to movement
***on 3rd set from downward facing dog- at the bottom of your exhale, look forward, walk through your hands to a seated position and lie down

Core Strengthening Series
Exhale Suppta Baddha Konasana Sit Ups 30sec
Exhale Bicycle Sit Ups 1 min
**Transition:Draw your knees into your chest and sit up
Exhale Boat Pose 2-3 B
**Transition: Cross your ankles, place your hands on the floor, walk back
Exhale High to Mid Plank- Chaturanga Dandasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Dogward Facing Dog
Crescent Lunge Series
**Transition: Inhale right leg high, exhale low lunge
Inhale Crescent Lunge
Exhale Revolving Crescent Lunge
Exhale Runner's Lunge
**Transition: Exhale to HIgh Plank prepare for Side Plank, left hand is the foundation
Inhale Side Plank
Exhale High to Mid Plank-Chaturanga Danadasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Dogward Facing Dog
**Transition: Inhale left leg high; exhale low lunge
Inhale Crescent Lunge
Exhale Revolving Crescent Lunge
Exhale Runner's Lunge
**Transition: Exhale to High Plank, prepare for Side Plank, right hand is the foundation
Inhale Side Plank
Exhale High to Mid Plank-Chaturanga Danadasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Dogward Facing Dog
**Tranistion: at the bottom of your exhale, walk to the top of your mat, big toes to touch
Inhale Halfway Lift
Exhale Standing Forward Fold
Inhale Chair Pose
Exhale Prayer Twist 2-3 B
**Transition: Exhale Standing Forward Fold, toe/heel your feet hip distance apart
Exhale Gorilla Pose
**Transition: Release Your Hands, toe/heel your feet together
Inhale Chair Pose
Exhale Prayer Twist 2-3 B
**Transistion: Exhale Standing Forward Fold, plant your hands shoulder distance apart
Inhale Crow Pose
Exhale rest in Child's Pose
Exhale Downward Facing Dog
**Transistion: at the bottom of your exhale, walk to the top of your mat
Inhale Halfway Lift
Exhale Standing Forward Fold

Balancing Series
Inhale Chair Pose
Exhale Eagle Pose (rt)
Inhale Chair Pose
Exhale Eagle Pose (lt)
Inhale Mountain Pose
Exhale Dancer's Pose (rt)
Inhale Mountain Pose
Exhale Dancer's Pose (lt)
Exhale Standing At Attention
Inhale Tree Pose (rt)
Exhale Standing At Attention
Inhale Tree Pose (lt)
Exhale Standing At Attention

Triangle Series
Inhale Mountain Pose
Exhale Standing Forward Fold
Inhale Halfway Lift
Exhale High to Mid Plank- Chaturanga Dandasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Downward Facing Dog

**Transition: Inhale right leg high, exhale low lunge
Inhale Warrior I
Exhale Warrior II
**Transition: Inhale straighten rt leg
Exhale Triangle Pose
**Transition: Inhale up, pivot left exhale hands on hips, inhale lengthen
Exhale Standing Straddle Pose- Prasaritta Padottanasana
**Transition: Inhale to stand, exhale Warrior II, inhale
Exhale High to Mid Plank- Chaturanga Dandasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Downward Facing Dog
**Transition: Inhale left leg high, exhale low lunge
Inhale Warrior I
Exhale Warrior II
**Transition: inhale straighten leg
Exhale Triangle Pose
**Transition: Inhale up, exhale pivot front foot to the side, interlace fingers behind your back, inhale to lengthen
Exhale Standing Straddle Pose - Prasaritta Padottanasana
**Transition: Inhale up, release hands, exhale Warrior II, inhale
Exhale High to Mid Plank- Chaturanga Dandasana
Inhale Upward Facing Dog
Exhale Downward Facing Dog
Hip Opener Series
**Transition: Inhale rt leg high
Exhale Half Pigeon
Exhale Downward Facing Dog
**Transition: Inhale left leg high
Exhale Half Pigeon
Exhale Downward Facing Dog
**Transition: Inhale to High Plank, exhale slowly lower all the way to the ground
Inhale Cobra
Exhale look right
Inhale Floor Bow
Exhale look left
** Transition: Inhale Press up onto all fours-table top-stand on knees
Exhale Camel
Exhale Seated pose on heels
Exhale Sit on knees from seated, cross legs and lie back
Inhale Bridge Pose
Exhale Supta Baddha Konasana
**Transition: draw knees into chest and roll up to seated

Seated Forward Fold
Exhale Seated Forward Fold
**Transition: Bend your knees and slowly lower onto your back