Critical Thinking: Module 1

Critical Thin king ter

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
The term "Philosophy" in Greek means?
Lover of Wisdom
What does the word "criticize" mean? question or evaluate.
Who said: "The unexamined life is not worth living"?
Carefully exploring the thinking process to clarify our understanding and make more intelligent decisions.....
Critical Thinking
Using our thinking process to develop ideas that are unique, useful, and worthy of further elaboration.
Creative thinking
Listening carefully to every viewpoint, evaluating each perspective carefully and fairly.
Open Minded
Questions of FACT seek to determine __________?
Questions of INTERPRETATION seek to determine?
Select and organize facts and ideas, discovering relationships between them.
Questions of Analysis seek to_____________?
Seperate an entire process or situation into its component parts and to understand the relation of the parts to the whole.
Questions of Synthesis seek to___________?
Combining ideas to form a new whole or come to conclusions about future events.
Questions of Evaluation seek to __________?
Help us make informed decisions and judgements by determining the relative value, truth, or reliability of things.
Questions of Application seek to __________?
Help us take knowledge or concepts we have gained in one situation and apply them to other situations.
What are the 5 steps to problem solving?
1. define the problem 2. list alternatives 3. advantages/disadvantages 4. solution 5. how well is solution working
What two conclusions does Chaffee come to when discussing thinking in ch. 1?
1. Thinking is directed towards a goal. 2. Thinking is an organized process
What are the five steps to take towards analyzing issues in ch. 1?
1. What is the issue? define 2. What is the evidence? 3. What are the arguments? 4. What is the verdict? 5. Final Thoughts