CSCC SU 20 Cardio A&P Week 5 Terms

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A condition where the body lacks healthy RBCs to carry adequate oxygen to tissues (SaO2 + Hb)
Normal SaO2=97.5%
C(a-v) O2
Bohr Effect
A decrease in the amount of oxygen associated with hemoglobin and other respiratory compounds in response to a lowered blood pH resulting from an increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.
A compound of hemoglobin + CO2 and is one of the forms in which CO2 exists in the blood
Bluish discoloration on skin usually caused by low O2 levels in the RBCs or other problems with getting oxygenated blood to the body
Oxygen Extraction Ration: Ca-VO2/CaO2 (normal =25%)
Carbonic Acid
A compound of the elements hydrogen, carbon, and acid. It is formed in small amounts when its anhydride, carbon dioxide, dissolves in water
Carbonic Anhydrase
An enzyme that assists rapid interconversion of CO2 and water into carbonic acid, protons, and bicoarbonate ions
Chloride Shift
Process that occurs in the cardiovascular system and refers to the exchange of bicarbonate and chloride across the membrane of RBCs
CO2 Hydration Reaction
Refers to the oxygen's ability to influence the affinity of hemoglobin for CO2 and hydrogen ions
Haldane Effect
This effect promotes the release of CO2 from the tissues to the blood and stimulates the release of CO2 from the blood to the lungs
Volatile Acid
An acid produced from CO2 which can be converted into a gaseous form and eliminated by the lungs