CSET Religion

Review of World Religions for CSET Multiple Subject exam.

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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How did the Hebrews arrive in Egypt? (According to the Torah)
Abraham, a patriarch, migrated from Mesopotamia to Palestine. They lived in Palestine until a drought forced them into Egypt.
What happened after Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt? (According to the Torah)
They wandered through the desert and re-entered Palestine. They came into conflict with the Philistines.
What happened to the Hebrews under Saul's leadership?
The Hebrews were organized into 12 separate tribes.
What happened when Saul died and David took power?
The Israelites came together, defeated the Philistines, and regained Palestine. Jerusalem was the capital.
What happened under the leadership of David's son, Solomon?
The temple at Jerusalem was constructed.
What happened when Solomon died?
Israel was divided into two kingdoms: Judea and Israel.
What happened with the growth of Assyrian power?
Israelies were dispersed. Many tribes merged with other peoples. The Jewish kingdoms fell in the 10th century BCE.
Under what kingdoms did Jews live?
Babylonian, Alexandrian, Roman
What was the "Babylonian captivity?"
Assyrians were conquered by the Chaldeans and Jerusalem was destroyed. The Chaldeans were conquered by the Persians.
Describe features of the Jewish religion.
One god, did not worship forces of nature, recorded history and beliefs, law code, the "covenant" to obey Yahweh in return for protection
What are "Vedic religions"
Religions from the Veda- a religious text from 1500- 500 BCE: Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism
Central gods of Hinduism
Vishna and Shiva, there may be up to 300 million others
Ideal life cycle for a Hindu
Studies texts, marries and has children, has grandchildren, meditates, abandons identity waits for dealth
Who was Gautama Buddha?
Born to a wealthy ruling family. Meditated beneath a tree for 45 days. Found enlightenment.
Basic beliefs
All suffering caused by desire. 8 fold path