How Well Do You Know About These Terms of Cultural Anthropology Flashcards

How well do you know about these words of cultural anthropology? These flashcards may be of assistance. Cultural anthropology is the study of modern cultures to better understand past human development—cultural anthropologists’ study human societies and cultural traditions as a way to understand regional and national differences. Read and study these flashcards, and you will soon be an expert on cultural anthropology.

62 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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study of human nature, human society impact, culture, human past
4 subfields of Anthropology
Archeology, Linguistics, cultural, biological (physical)
Field Base discipline
contact with/ one-on-one contact in the field and teaching
collection with direct contact with people and live with them to study them
change overtime look at biological (physical such as hair, genetic makeup) and cultural evolution (customs, material items), behavior, beliefs
description of customary behaviors of particular people for cultural information
participant observation
actively engaging and recording video or pictures or writing (different than fieldwork)
people in a particular culture who work with anthropologists and provide them with insight about their way of life. Also called respondents
a characteristic of the anthropological perspective that requires anthropologists to consider similarities and differences in as a wide a rage of human societies as possible before generalizing about human nature, human society, or the human past
how anthropology tries to integrate all that is know about human beings and their activities. perspective on human condition in which the whole is understood to be greater than the sum of its parts
biological organism
organisms (in this case human beings) whose defining features are codetermined by biological and cultural factors
explicit culture
cultural knowledge that people can explain/ talk about. Example: clothes, actions (playing), emotional states, people( mother father)
tactic culture
cultural knowledge that people lack words for. Abstract. People usually Use 5 senses to understands culture but with this you cant see it. Tak /t/ gah /g/ duh /d/
components of human culture
culture is learned, shared, pattered, adaptive, symbolic
cultural practices that are never really taught, rather absorbed in the course of daily living practices (how to sleep and table manners)