Cytoplasmic Organelles and Inclusions

MCP: cytoplasmic organelles

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Ribosomes are bound by which part of mRNA?
5' 7-methyl G cap
What is a polysome?
AKA polyribosome: one mRNA with multiple bound ribosomes - each translating its own protein.
What type of proteins to free ribosomes/polysomes translate?What about ER-bound ribosomes?
Free ribosomes --> cytoplasmic proteinsER ribosomes -->-membrane-bound-secreted-proteins destined for a specific organelle
How much of the cell's volume can be composed of ER?
Up to 10%
What are the four functions of smooth ER?
1) Carbohydrate metabolism (glycogen breakdown)2) Drug detoxification3) Muscle contraction (Ca++ sequestering)4) Phospholipid & cholesterol synthesis
How does the ER package proteins destined for another site?
-In vesicles-Coated with COPII protein, electron-dense coat-vSNARES determine which surfaces to bind to
How many Golgi complexes can a cell have? (range)
1-100 depending on cell type
What are the two functions of the Golgi complex?
1) Biochemical modification2) Macromolecular trafficking
What 3 types of biochemical modification occur in the Golgi complex?
1) Carbohydrate core of glycoproteins edited2) Cleavage of propeptides3) Enzyme localization in certain cisternae allows sequential modification (maintained there by retrograde flow)
Where are lysosomes created?
The trans-Golgi network
How do proteins get signalled to lysosome?
Tagged with mannose-6-phosphate
What are residual bodies?
Old lysosomes containing particles of digested material (lipofuscin)
What are four types of secondary lysosome?
1) Digestive Vacuoles (from phagocytosis)2) Late endosome (endocytosis)3) Autophagic vacuoles4) Multivesicular bodies
What is a late endosome?
An early endosome forms when a cell endocytoses a substance from cell exterior; becomes a late endosome when lysosomal enzymes go there.
What is the function of a peroxisome?
Carry out oxidation from H2O2-->catalase enzyme-->substrate-detox substances-break down fatty acids