David Easton "A Framework for Political Analysis"

David Easton' s main p

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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“The conceptual orientation is one that stems from the...
fundamental decision to view political life as a system of behavior. Its major and gross unit of analysis will be the political system”
The theory of systems analysis...
Explains the ability to manage stress and the ability of any political system to continue to exist.
Easton constructed a theory to...
Examine the political system as a whole.
The behavioral aspect of the new movement in political research reflects...
The search for stabled units for understanding human behavior in its political aspects
Behavioral research is a new departure in social research in that it...
Tends to be analytic (divided into basic principles), not substantive (having solid basis).
The system will be political life as a system of behavior and the environment surrounding it is...
Open to influences from it. There will be response from the flow and feedback will result in stress and influence.
Concepts are neither true nor false; they are...
Only more or less useful
To analyze any one set of interactions, it will be mandatory to....
Abstract them from the whole matrix of behavior in which they occur
In explaining the functioning of society we have viewed political interactions as...
A separate system from religious, economic, etc.
Political interactions are distinguished from all other social interactions since...
they are oriented towards authoritative allocation of values for a society.
The concept of boundaries separating a system and its environment is an essential analytic tool for two reasons:
(1) simplify, interpret, and understand the way environmental changes are communicated to the political system (2) to represent a strategic step toward the simplification of reality, an essential condition for any scientific research
A political system is an open in the sense that it is...
Exposed in varying degrees to concepts that occur in its environment
Political life is a responding system that constitutes a set of behaviors that are able to....
respond to the influences acting on them.
The persistence of political systems through their own responding actions poses ...
The central question for theoretical inquiry
Historically whenever vast economic and social changes have occurred the...
· political system has also been transformed