Declaration of Independence

Important facts to know

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What were the two levels of reason for the American Revolution?
Struggle for power - between American Colonists and Great Britian. Ideas - the colonists were rethinking the relationship between people and government.
What important document expressed both levels of the Revolution and appeared in Philadelphia in January 1776?
Common Sense
Who was the author of Common Sense?
Thomas Paine
What was the name of the Congress that first gathered in May 1775?
Second Continental Congress
What two cities were the site of a significant clash between British Troops and Colonial Militia?
Lexington and Concord
Who were three new delegates to the Second Continental Congress?
Benjamin Franklin John Hancock Thomas Jefferson
Who lead the Congressional Moderates in favor of seeking some compromise with Britain that would increase colonial self-rule?
John Dickinson
What petition did John Dickinsons write that was rejected by King George III in November of 1775?
Olive Branch Petition
What did the Olive Branch Petition express?
Colonist's continued loyalty to the monarch and their desire for peace.
A committee was appointed to prepare a statement of the reasons for the seperation in June of 1776 - what was this statement called?
Declaration of Independence
Who were the five members of this committee appointed to prepare a statement of the reasons for seperation?
Thomas Jefferson John Adams Roger Sherman Robert Livinston Bejnamin Franklin
What member of the Declaration of Independence committee was a lawyer and plantation owner?
Thomas Jefferson
What member of the Declaration of Independence committee was a Boston lawyer?
John Adams
What member of the Declaration of Independence committee was a Connecticut judge?
Roger Sherman
What member of the Declaration of Independence committee was a wealthy New York lawyer?
Robert Livingston