Define the Following Terms for Human Tooth Development Flashcards

Can you define the following terms for human tooth development? These flashcards can help. The four main stages of tooth development include in the fetus at six weeks old, the hard tissue that encompasses the teeth is formed at around four months of gestation. After the child is born, the next stage occurs when the tooth protrudes through the gum. Read and study these flashcards and learn more about human tooth development.

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- tooth formation
- begins during the 7th week in utero
epithelium (ectoderm) layer overlays mesenchyme (mesoderm)
Apposition Stage
Tooth tissues begin to be DEPOSITED
List the Enamel Organs Made up of Epithelium
1.) IEE
3.) Stellate Reticulum
4.) Stratum Intermedium
5.) Successional Lamina
Stellate Reticulum
Star shaped cells
compromises bulk of enamel organs
between IEE and OEE (ectodermal cells)
Stratum Interdmedium
Flattened cuboidal cells
between IEE & Stellate Reticulum
Inner Enamel Epithelium
Diferentiates into Ameloblasts
-cuboidal shaped cells
Outer Enamel Epithelium
-Outer most part of structure of cap stage
- protective layer for entire enamel organ
-cuboidal shaped cells
-Deposit Enamel
- columnar shaped
Succesional Lamina
-forms enamel organ of FUTRE PERMANENT tooth
As Ameloblasts deposit enamel, where do they go?
They migrate outward toward OEE
What happens to the enamel organ as enamel is deposited?
- It gets smaller.
Mesoderm (mesenchyme) develops into what?
1.) Dental Papilla
2.) Dental Sac
Odontoblasts deposit what?
- Dentin.
What becomes odontoblasts?
The outermost layer of the dental papilla.
What becomes the pulp chamber of the tooth?
The inner most portion of dental papilla.