Developmental Neuro Exam 2

NSC 269, Vanderbilt University

271 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Axon guidance
Moving axons to the places where they need to be in order to make synapses
Brainbow Mouse
Use Cre-Lox to get 90 different colored neurons in mouse brain
What are the 3 components of the car trip analogy? Axon needs:
1. Motor ability
2. Senory ability to respond to environment
3. Adaptation (respond differently to same molecules, which is done via different receptors)
Who first discovered the growth cone, and what was his theory of its function?
1. Ramon y Cajal
2. Believed it was a battering ram to get developing axons through matter
_________ and _________ of growth cone are dependent on the needs of an axon because of a changing __________.
Morphology; Speed; Environment
Leader axons
First axons, have more complex growth cones
Follower axons
Simpler growth cones
Two advantages to using Aplysia to study growth cones
1. Huge axons
2. Huge growth cones
Actin's place on GC
Edge of cone
Finger-like extension made from actin bundles

The way that the growth cone moves
Sheet membrane between filopodia, made of actin filaments
Growth cone _________ & ________ ______ through time
Elongates; changes shape
Axons elongate from the ________ end. How?
Growing; Addition of microtubules @ GCs
Where is actin on the growth cone?
The edge
What do microtubules do for the growth cone
Provide structure