Developmental Psych Exam #1 Chapter 7

Chapter 7. Psychosocial Development.

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The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development
Erik Erikson
Epigenetic Principle
The idea that growth occurs in the context of a ground plan or blue prints, and it is out of this plan that parts arise. Each part has its time of special ascendancy. Erikson - "Personality... can be said to develop according to steps predetermined in the human organism's readiness to be driven toward, to be aware of, and to interact with a widening radius of significant individuals and institutions.he said that his theory was meant to bridge the theory of infantile sexuality... and our knowledge.
Trust Vs. Mistrust
Not the amount but the quality of care.
Central Process
Newman + Newman - Mutuality with caregiver. In order to develop trust infant and parents need to respond to each other. (In the first few days it is just the parent) Gratifying to know you can comfort your infant.
Trust vs. Distrust (Slide 2)
Delay of gratification - only if there is a sense of trust that the gratification will still be there. Wants there to be some mistrust of the world.
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Newman & Newman - imitation is a key part of this. "No" and "Mine" Toddlers see what others are doing and they imitate it.
(A strong affectional bond that provides a sense of security.)Freud and HarlowJohn Bowlby
Freud and Harlow
Freud believed that mothers are the primary bond between infants. Cupboard theories- Very little research between father and child. Harlow - Experiment with monkeys
John Bowlby
Attachment Bigwig. Worked in orphanages, Kids failed to thrive, especially when they had no comfort from a parent.
Animals have evolved different behaviors for reproduction and other daily events. Instincts Conrad Lorenz and geese.
Attachment as an evolved behavior system
1. Adaptation and Attachment promote survival which is good for our species. 2. Set Point - We have an Optimal situation for attachment (Turns on when there is a problem, varies by context)3. Attachment behaviors change with age.
Born with a desire to explore new things. When there are attachment problems, exploration suffers.
Attachment as a bond, not a Personal Trait
Relationship between two people.
Internal Working Models
Infants are not born attached to others. Will my needs get met? (Yes, no or maybe) Expectations This goes with you through life. New Experiences can alter it.
Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation Test
Worked with John Bowlby to classify children and their attachment patterns. Kids in the room with parent and stranger.