Digital Photography

To help me study for my digital photography exam.

64 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
A device to keep the camera steady.
White Balance
Balances out the colors.
Brings subject into closer view.
Manual Focus
You do all the work to focus.
Auto Focus
Focus' for you.
Focus that you start with.
The amount of light.
Controls how long light remains in the camera.
Shutter speeds (know what happens)
Amount of time shutter is open measured in seconds. Convey or freeze motion.
On some camera's it is the aperture.
Controls light opened and closed.
F-stops (know what happens)
Larger the aperture the more light can pass through.
Smaller the #, the bigger the opening smaller the depth of field.
Depth of Field
Bigger the opening, less depth of field (f2.8). smaller the opening, greater depth of field (f22)
Absorbs light for a clear picture. Focus' image.
Focal Length
The distance from where light enters the lens.