Study of The Nervous System

64 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the 6 different functions that the Nervous System carries out?
1. Interprets sensory information
2. Learns
3. Reasons
4. Imagines
5. Experiences emotions
6. Maintains internal balance (responding to its environment)
What is homeostasis?
A state of relative stability.
Ex. Your NS is responsible for maintaining a blood pH of 7.4 and a constant internal temp. of 37 degrees celsius
Identify (name) the 2 major divisions of the Nervous System.
1. The Central Nervous System (CNS)
2. The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
What 2 body parts/organs are part of the Central Nervous System?
1. The Brain
2. The Spinal Cord
What fibre makes up the Peripheral Nervous System? What is its function?
The PNS consists of nerves which send info to the brain or recieve info from the brain.
Name the 2 subdivded systems that makes up the Peripheral Nervous System.
1. Somatic System
2. Autonomic System
Is the Somatic System voluntary or involuntary? What type of neuron is it consisted of? What are the functions of the nerves in this system?
The Somatic System is voluntary; it consists of motor neurons; the nerves either send info from the body to the brain or carries info from the brain to skeletal muscles.
Is the Autonomic System voluntary or involuntary? What type of neuron is it consisted of? What are its two functions?
The Autonomic System is involuntary; it consists of motor neurons; it controls the secretion from glands and the function of involuntary muscles (heart and smooth muscle)
What are the two systems that the Autonomic System can be further divided into? What are their functions?
1. Sympathetic System: controls the body's response to stress (i.e. quickening heart beat, decreasing digestion processes)
2. Parasympathetic System: controls the process of returning the body back to peace, or maintaining bodily processes when at rest (i.e. slowing heart beat, increasing digestive processes).
What are two main types of cells make up the Nervous System?
1. Neurons
2. Glial Cells
What are neurons? What are the 3 things that they're specialized to do (function)?
- are the functional unit of the nervous system
1. responds to physical and chemical stimuli
2. conduct electrochemical signals
3. release chemicals that regulate bodily processes
What are the 4 functions of Glial cells?
1. nourish neurons
2. remove neuron's waste
3. defend against infection
4. provide a supporting framework for the NS
What are the 4 common features found in all neurons?
1. Dendrite
2. Cell Body
3. Terminal End/Branching End
4. Axon
List in order what (part of the neuron) neuron features a signal moves through?
1. Signal moves through dendrites
2. Signal then is passed onto the cell body
3. Signal is then relayed out to axon if signal is large enough
4. Signal then leaves neuron via. the branching/terminal end
What is a myelin sheath? What are its 2 main functions?
A myelin sheath is a fatty insulating later which wraps around the axons of some neurons
1. Protects and insulates neurons
2. Speeds up the rate of a nerve impulse being transmitted (via. the axon)