Domain II: Teaching & Learning

6 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Achievement Gaps
Best identified by reviewing assessment data...sometimes referred to as performance disparities between student-groupings (race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic variables such as parental income and educational levels.
Eliminate performance disparities between student-groupings
Analyzing performance data, identifying areas that need specific focus and planning, and teaching with the purpose of enhancing learning for all students.
Effective professional development
Consists of ddep learning across time with significant opportunities for follow-up, discussion, assistance, and reflection. On-going, thoughout school year
Professional learning communities
Group configurations that allow for discussions of new learning.
Intrinsic motivation
Internal factors that drives people to do things because they are fun or because they believe they are a good or right thing to do.
Extrinsic motivation
External factors, such as, salary, bonuses, or sanctions imposed, that drive people to do things for tangible rewards or because of outside pressures rather than for the fun of it.