Don Quijote Examen Final

Final Exam for Don Quijote.  Goodfuckinluckbitch.

57 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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Sansón Carrasco
Un estudiante que vive en el mismo pueblo de DQ quien ha leido el ingenioso caballero. El trató derrotar a DQ en una justa cuando se vestió como el caballero de los espejos, pero no sucede. Al final de la historia, el aparece como el caballero de la blanca luna, derrota a DQ, y manda a DQ a La Mancha

Al principio, Sansón critica la novela para sus digresiones anecdóticos y las incongruencias con respecto a la apariencia y desapariencia del Dapple.

First to tell Sancho about the book.

Sampson reveals that he has been plotting with the priest and the barber to vanquish Don Quixote and to order him to go home for two years. Samson’s squire leaves him, but Samson vows revenge on Don Quixote.
Historia del barbero de Sevilla
Doctor tells story to DQ saying that there is a guy in the psych war that has convinced everyone that he is sane. A magistrate comes and wants to take him and claims that he is still crazy. I'm Neptune, and I"m going to make it rain all of the time.
Insula (Barataria)
He judges a series of cases, each involving some form of trickery, that the townspeople bring before him. Sancho resolves each case with wit and wisdom, impressing the town with his governing abilities.
Caballero de los espejos
The Knight of the Wood dresses in such fine, shiny material that he is renamed the Knight of the Mirrors, but he refuses to show Don Quixote his face. Don Quixote pauses to help Sancho into the tree, throwing off the timing of the duel. As a result, the Knight of the Mirrors cannot get his horse going again fast enough, enabling Don Quixote to knock him off his horse quite easily. Don Quixote removes the Knight of the Mirrors’s visor, revealing Sampson Carrasco. Don Quixote does not believe that Sampson stands before him; he thinks that he is still under an enchantment.
Caballero del bosque
Knight of the wood

The Knight of the Wood tells Don Quixote that his lady (Casildea de Vandalia) has sent him into the world to make all knights proclaim her beauty. He says that his greatest conquest was his defeat of Don Qui-xote de la Mancha. DQ is pissed and challenges him to a duel.

Tienes un escudero con un nariz grande. Sancho y el escudero beben mucho vino y lamentan sobre sus maestros.
Cuando DQ retrata a caballero a un duelo, Sancho y el escudero debaten si ellos pueden luchar o no.
Casildea de Vandalia
La amante del caballero del bosque en que le recita la poesia
Tome Cecial
El escudero del caballero del bosque

el vecino de SP.
Caballero de la blanca luna
Don diego de miranda y su hijo don lorenzo
Casi un santo. tells Don Quixote about his son (don lorenzo) who abandoned the sciences in favor of poetry

Don diego creo que las historias caballerescas son verdaderas.

Don Lorenzo cree que DQ es loco, pero es favorecido cuando DQ cumple su poesia
Los duques
These two characters orchestrate a series of games that deceive and injure Don Quixote. The duke and duchess are malicious and they torture Quixote as an entertaining diversion. They use their economic and political power to briefly create a world that looks much like Quixote's own deluded reality, convincing him that truly he is a knight-errant.
La condesa trifaldi
Doña Rodriguez

She served as a duenna for a princess. The princess loved a knight and the Countess facilitated their relationship - a relationship that culminated in pregnancy and a hasty wedding to the knight, Don Clavijo.
The princess' mother was mortified by the course of events and she went to court to oppose the marriage. When this failed, she went home, mourned, and died of grief within three days. The mother's cousin is the evil enchanter-giant named Malambruno. Malumbruno avenged his cousin's death by turning the princess and knight into statuesque ornaments to decorate the mother's sepulcher. The princess is now a brass monkey and the knight is now a crocodile made of "an unknown metal." The giant has left a metal plate at the grave site indicating that the monkey and crocodile will remain as they are until the brave hero of La Mancha battles the giant. The countess and her duennas have also been cursed with hideous and permanent beards, to punish them for assisting the princess.
Doncella de duchesa quien canta por DQ. Aparece ser enamorada.

The damsel pretends to faint when she sees Quixote: Duchess has orchestrated this episode as a means of testing and probing the relationship between Quixote and his Dulcinea.
Las cortes de la muerte, un auto sacramental
(la etiqueta del carretero de los actores) un grupo de los actores que recrear la escena donde DQ se cae de Rocinante.
El retablo de maese pedro (y el mono)

Don Quixote charges onto the stage and tries to rescue the wife, wrecking the scene in the process. Master Peter is not pleased. Don Quixote pays for the damages. He explains that his enchanters bear responsibility for his actions because they made him believe that the puppets were real. Don Quixote pays Master Peter for his troubles nonetheless. He also treats the guests to a meal and pays the innkeeper.
La titerera esposa quien esta secuestrada.