Drugs and Crime

Final Exam

44 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Two Categories of Crime
1. Drug-defined offenses
2.Drug-related offenses
1. Drug-defined offenses
Violations of laws prohibiting the ppossession, use, distribution, or manufacture of illegal drugs
2. Drug-related offenses
Offenses in which a drug's pharmacological effects contribute to an offender
Alcohol/drug use and crime are highly positively correlated
ADAM (Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring)
Prevalence of drug use among arrestees
Drug use causes crime
1.Pharmacological violence
2.Economic violence
1. Pharmacological violence
Drug use has a direct influence on the committing of a crime
2.Economic violence
Drug users will commit crimes to obtain money to buy drugs
Crime causes drug use
Longitudinal studies show that initial involvement in criminal behavior frequently precedes experimentation with drugs
Common cause
Both are aspects of an overall deviant lifestyle
-socioeconomic disadvantages
Structure of the illicit drug trade
-trafficking and distribution
1.Cultivation and manufacturing
-typically peasant workers in 3rd world countries
-Smuggling large quantities of drugs into the U.S.
3.Wholesale distribution
-"Stash house"
4. Retail distribution
-Street dealers- product typically adulterated
Retail Distribution
1.Freelance model
2.Business model
Freelance Model
-Independent people working together without an established arrangement

- Drugs amount agreed upon and paid for in cash at time of exchange
Business Model
-Organized as a business in a hierarchy
-wholesaler, crew boss, runner, security lieutenant
-Drugs "fronted" and runners told to sell at a certain price
-money flows up the chain