Earth Science Unit 2 Test

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21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
Weathering is the breaking up of materials through exposure to processes at the surface, and erosion is the movement or removal of materials by natural agents.
How does a rock become metamorphic?
Through high temperatures and pressures (remember that any rock can become metamorphic, even other metamorphic rocks)
Define "Igneous"
Igneous rocks are rocks that formed when magma/lava hardens.
Define "extrusive"
An igneous rock that hardened on the surface
Define "intrusive"
An igneous rock that hardened beneath the surface. An intrusive rock will have larger crystals.
Why is streak more accurate in identifying a mineral than color?
Because color can be effected by exposure to other materials, age, or impurities. Streak will always be the same.
What does crystal structure determine in minerals?
The mineral's cleavage
What is meant by by crystal structure?
The alignment of atoms in a mineral
What are the two types of minerals?
1. compound-contains two or more elements 2. native minerals-contains only one element
What are protons?
Protons are part of atoms and are found in the nucleus. They have a negative charge. The number of protons is equal to a particle's negative charge, and the number of protons determine atomic number
What are atoms?
Atoms are parts of elements, and are VERY small. They are composed of electrons, neutrons, and protons.
Would a rock be a mixture or a compound?
A rock is a mixture. Rocks can be ground up and separated into minerals physically.
What is the Mohs scale?
This scale is a scale from 1-10 that places minerals along the chart based on how how easily they can be scratched by a fingernail, a nail, and a penny
What is meant by luster, streak, and cleavage?
Luster- the mineral's shine Streak- the color that is left when the mineral is rubbed against a streak plate Cleavage- the tendency of a mineral to break along a flat plain
What is the difference between a mixture and a compound?
Compounds and mixtures are both combinations of atoms, but mixtures can be separated by physical means, and compounds can only be separated chemically