ECG Study Guide Exam 1

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P wave to beginning of QRS complex. Normal is 0.12 to .20 sec (3-4boxes)
PR Interval
End of PR Interval to end of S wave. Normal is .08 to .12 sec (2-3boxes) Ventricular Depolarization
QRS complex
Fist negative deflcetion. Abnormal if greater than 1 small box.Greater than 1/3 the amplitude of the QRS complex. Greater than 1/4th of R wave
Q Wave
Repolarization of ventricles.
T Wave
Represents time of ventricular activity including both repolarization and depolarization. Measured from beginning of QRS complex to end of T wave. Normal is .36 to .44 (9-11 small boxes)
QT interval
Begins at the end of S point and ends at the beginning of the T wave. Represents early part of vent repolarization
ST segment
Contraction of the heart- blood is propelled into pulmonary artery; aorta
Phase of cardiac cycle atria and ventricles relax blood fills chambers
Force exerted by the blood on the walls of ventricles at the end of distole
Pressure or resistance against which the ventricles must pump to eject blood
Cardiac cells can not be stimulated to conduct an electrical impulse
Absolute refractory period
Corresponds with the downslope of the T wave cardiac cells can be stimulated to depolarize if the stiumulus is strong enough
Relative Refractory Period
Movement of Ions across a cell membrane electrical event expected to result in a contraction
Less than 20 bpm dying heart
Dysrythmia originating in the Ventricle with a rate between 41 and 100