Econ Chapter 18

46 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Founder of the National Bureau of Economic Research and business cycle
Wesley Mitchell
Why are business cycles of agriculuture diff from the normal business cycle
-cuz agricultural econ is probably close to a vertical line so demand shocks don't cause output fluctuations
-reason for this is it is mainly affected by weather making shifts of the short-run aggregate supply curve the primary source of fluctuations (other business cycyles is cuz of short-run aggregate demand)
Command econ
Having gov take over private industry and replace markets
Who wrote The General Theory of Employmnet, Interest, and Money?
Classical economists regard the short-run as what?
Animal spirts refers to what
Business confidence
What is the classical view of business confidence
-no effect on either the aggregate price level or aggregate output, as long as money supply stayed constant
Macroeconomic policy activism
The use of monetary and fiscal policy to smooth out the business cycle
Aggregate fiscal spending causes what?
Is deficit spending on a large scale to create jobs
What is a good exmaple of how fiscal spending benefitted an econ?
According to Keynes is monetary policy good in depression conditions?
Who wrote A Monetary History of the United States
Friedman and Schwartz
Wha did Friedman and Schwartz show
The business cycle changes with fluctuations in the money supply
Do fiscal policy and monetary policy both involve political choices?
Fiscal policy does and monetary policy doesn't
Asserts that GDP will grow steadilly if the money supply grows steadily