Economics Chapter 2

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Economy / Economic System
An organized way of providing for the wants and needs of their people.
Traditional Economy
The allocation of scarce resources, and nearly all other economic activity, stems from ritual, habit, or custom.
Command Economy
One in which a central authority makes most of the WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM decisions
Market Economy
People and firms act in their own best intersts to answer the WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM questions.
Social Security
A federal program of disablity and retirement benefits that covers most working people.
A rise in the general level of prices
Fixed Income
An income that does not increase even though prices go up
Where private citizens, factors of production
Free Enterprise
Another term used to describe the American economy
Voluntary Exchange
The act of buyers and sellers freely and willingly engaging in market transactions.
Private Property Rights
The privilege that entitles people to own and control their possessions as they wish.
Is the extent to which persons or organizations are better off at the end of a period than they were at the beginning
Profit Motive
The driving force that encourages people and organizations to improve their material well-being-is largely respondible for the growth of a free enterprise system based on capitalism.
The struggle among sellers to attract consumers while lowering costs.
Consumer Sovereignty
Describes the role of the consumer as sovereign, or ruler, of the market.