Economics Quest

Macroeconomic s

59 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is medicaid?
Healthcare for low income Americans funded by Federal and State tax dollars; administered at the state level.
What is medicare?
Healthcare for 65 years old and older. Federally funded.
What is the Heatlh Maintenance Organization Act?
Firms with 25 or more employees must provide HMO options (list of private health clinics that a sick employee can visit)
What kind of physicians do employees normally choose under the HMO act?
A primary care physician (PCP) who then refers the mto a specialist (if needed)
What percentage of GDP does Canada roughly spend on healthcare?
What is macroeconomics?
Study of broad trends and aggregate performance of the national economy and the global economy.
What is nominal gross domestic product (GDP)?
The total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in one year (not adjusted for inflation)
What is gross national product (GNP)
Abandoned by Canada in 1986, the total market value of all final goods/services produced only by Canadian-owned factors of production both in Canada and in other countries. Production in Canada by foreign owned factors of production were excluded from Canada's GNP.
What is Real Gross Domestic Product?
Nominal GDP with the effect of inflation removed
What does Statistics Canada use to factor in inflation?
Canada abandoned teh GDP Deflator method in 2001 and began using the Chain Fisher Volume Index to remove the ffects of inflation every quarter (3 months)
What is the formula for Real GDP?
Real GDP = nominal GDP/GDP inflator x 100
What are intermediate goods? Are the market value of these goods included?
Goods produced by a firm and sold to another firm to be used as a component in a finished good. The market value of these goods is not included in GDP because ti is built into the market value of the final/good service. - Prevents double counting
What are two ways of calcualting GDP?
Expenditure Approach Income Approach
What is the expenditure approach?
Add up the total spent on final goods/services in one year in a country
What is the income approach?
Add up all the income that is earned by the different factors of production (wages, rent, interest, profit) used to produce the final goods/services.